LCD Module Event Log ListA-5RDM EventsEvent DescriptionFailure time Once heartbeat protocol stop for 30seconds, RDM presumes system deadand records the current time sent byFSC/ASM.Power off RDM powers off the system when theCPU temperature exceeds the fataldegree.Power on RDM powers on the systemautomatically when the CPUtemperature declines to the warningdegree - 10.Reboot In Reboot mode, RDM will reboot thesystem if the temperature is at a safedegree.Remote login password fail In Waiting mode, if someone tries toconnect in and there is a password fail,RDM will record this event.Remote login In Waiting mode, someone logs insuccessfully.Remote power off In Waiting mode, Remote site powersoff the system manually.Remote reboot In Waiting mode, Remote site rebootsthe system manually.xx CPU IERR# issued When system crashed, xx CPU issuedIERR# signal.xx CPU Thermtrip# issued When system crashed, xx CPU issuedThermtrip# signal.xx CPU disabled When system crashed, if a CPU’stemperature exceeds the threshold,RDM will disable it.