Diagnostics and Utilities5-35.2 Remote Diagnostic ManagerRemote Diagnostic Manager (RDM) is a management tool thatutilizes modems and telephone lines to control a host of servers froma remote station. It monitors and analyzes the server condition,updates the BIOS settings if necessary, or reboots the server in theevent of failure and quickly return it to normal operation. Thiscapability to execute the RDM program from a remote site bridges thedistance barrier in fixing server problems and reduces wasted timedue to system failure.• Recover critical event by “smart reboot” - isolate faulty CPU andreboot.• Monitor hardware status after OS is down.• Records all hardware events into NVRAM and notify systemadministration.• Run diagnostic program, upgrade BIOS, change COMs setup.• Power on/off the system.Refer to the RDM user’s manual for more information.