4-44AcerAltos 21000 System Guide3. Highlight the Setup Password parameter and press the orkey. The password prompt appears:4. Type a password. The password may consist of up to sevencharacters. Be very careful when typing your passwordbecause the characters do not appear on thescreen.5. Press . A prompt asks you to retype the password to verifyyour first entry.6. Retype the password then press .After setting the password, the system automatically sets theSetup Password parameter to Present.7. Press to exit the System Security screen and return to themain menu.8. Press to exit the BIOS utility. A dialog box appears asking ifyou want to save the CMOS data.9. Select Yes to save the changes and reboot the system.10. While rebooting, turn off the system then open the housing.11. Set JP5 to 1-2 to enable the password function.The next time you want to enter the BIOS utility, you must key-in yourSetup password.