BIOS Utility4-39ECCECC or Error-Correcting Code tests the accuracy of data as it passesin and out of memory. This parameter enables or disables themonitoring of this function. The default is Enabled.PCIPCI or Peripheral Component Interconnect is a 32-bit bus thatsupports a 64-bit extension for new processors, such as the Pentium.It can run at clock speeds of 33 or 66 MHz. This parameter monitorsthe activity of this bus when set to enabled. The default is Enabled.I/O CheckMonitors the ISA for uncorrectable errors. This parameter monitorsthe activity of this bus when set to enabled. The default is Enabled.System Event Configuration Page 2/2Critical Event ProcessStop POST After CPU or Memory Reduction ..... [Disabled]Halt System If No CPU or Memory Available ... [Enabled]Threshold SettingCPU Warning Temperature ..................... [ xx] °CCPU Fatal Temperature ....................... [ xx] °CSystem Temperature .......................... [ xx] °CSystem Voltage .............................. [ xx] %LCD Temperature ............................. [ xx] °C↑↓ = Move Highlight Bar, → ← = Change Setting, F1 = Help