4-32AcerAltos 21000 System GuideThe VGA palette snoop function allows the control palette register(CPR) to manage and update the VGA RAM DAC (Digital AnalogConverter, a color data storage) of each VGA card installed in thesystem. The snooping process lets the CPR send a signal to all theVGA cards so that they can update their individual RAM DACs. Thesignal goes through the cards continuously until all RAM DAC datahas been updated. This allows display of multiple images on thescreen. Some VGA cards have required settings for thisfeature. Check your VGA card manual beforesetting this parameter.Reset Resource AssignmentsSet this parameter to Yes to avoid IRQ conflict when installingnon-PnP or PnP ISA cards. This clears all resource assignments andallows BIOS to reassign resources to all installed PnP devices thenext time the system boots. After clearing the resource data, theparameter resets to No.4.7.3 Memory/Cache ConfigurationThe Memory/Cache Configuration allows you to specify theappropriate settings for your system memory. Selecting the optiondisplays the following screen:Memory/Cache Configuration Page 1/1CPU Cache ...........................[Enabled ]System BIOS Cacheable ...............[Enabled ]Video BIOS Cacheable ................[Enabled ]Memory at 15MB-16MB Reserved for ....[ System ]Memory Parity Mode ..................[ ECC ]↑↓ = Move Highlight Bar, → ← = Change Setting, F1 = Help