BIOS Utility4-194.6.2 Silent BootThis parameter enables or disables the Silent Boot function. Whenset to Enabled, BIOS is in graphical mode and displays only anidentification logo during POST and while booting. After which thescreen displays the operating system prompt (such as DOS) or logo(such as Windows 95). If any error occurs while booting, the systemautomatically switches to the text mode.Even if your setting is Enabled, you may also switch to the text modewhile booting by pressing after you hear a beep that indicates theactivation of the keyboard.When set to Disabled, BIOS is in the conventional text mode whereyou see the system initialization details on the screen.4.6.3 Num Lock After BootThis parameter allows you to activate the Num Lock function uponbooting. The default setting is Enabled.4.6.4 Memory TestWhen set to Enabled, this parameter allows the system to perform aRAM test during the POST routine. When set to Disabled, thesystem detects only the memory size and bypasses the test routine.The default setting is Disabled .4.6.5 Initialize SCSI Before IDEEnabling this parameter allows SCSI devices installed in the systemto be initialized before IDE devices. You may enable this parameterif you have a SCSI boot drive. When this parameter is disabled, theIDE drives are normally initialized first during POST.