UsersThe Users screen is a subsection of the Configure group. This page allows you toconfigure the administrators who have access to the ARMC/2.The following table describes the information listed in this subsection in detail:Item DescriptionUsername This field displays a list of all users who are able to access this ARMC/2.Note: The default administrator is root. It is prudent for you to change the rootpassword.Description This field displays the Username’s description that you entered when you created theaccount for each Username in the list.Add Button This button allows you to add and configure a new user account to your ARMC/2.Remove Button This button allows you to eliminate an account from your ARMC/2’s access list.Properties Button This button allows you to view and edit an account.Close Button This button allows you to exit the User dialog box.Cont’dARMC/2 User’s Guide84