Upgrade FirmwareThe Upgrade Firmware Wizard dialog box is a subsection of the Manage group. TheUpgrade Firmware Wizard will help you upgrade your ARMC/2’s firmware.•WarningDO NOT CLOSE THE WINDOW USING THE CLOSE BUTTON (X) ON THE TITLEBAR WHEN THE ARMC/2 IS IN UPGRADE MODE. USE THE CANCEL BUTTONONLY!Note: The firmware upgrade process is a crucial operation. Make sure that the chances of apower or connectivity loss are minimal when performing this operation.Note: You can use the Cancel button at this time to abort the upgrade process. By doing so, theARMC/2 card resets itself (except in Step 1 of 4).Note: Once you enter into Flash Mode and choose to cancel the firmware flash operation, theARMC/2 must be reset. This means that you must close the Internet browser and log backonto the ARMC/2 before you can perform any other types of operations.Cont’dChapter Four : Using Your ARMC/2 75