Redirection, ContinuedConsole Redirection ToolbarThe Console Redirection toolbar allows you to use Console Redirection more easily infull screen mode. The Console Redirection toolbar is a great GUI to use especially if youare not familiar with the shortcut key combinations.Follow the steps in the table below to begin the Console Redirection toolbar:Step Description1 Left click the View dropdown menu. The dropdown menu will open. Left click on the Toolbar menuitem.2 The Console Redirection toolbar will open.Note: You can left click the down arrow to see the Console Redirection Status information.Console Redirection Toolbar StatusStatus Item DescriptionCompressionThis field displays if you are using compressionor not.Resolution This field displays if you are using high or lowcolor mode during your redirection.Frame Rate This field displays the current frame rate youare getting.ActiveClientsThis field displays how many users are currentlyaccessing the ARMC/2.Cont’dARMC/2 User’s Guide54