Redirection, ContinuedConsole Redirection Window, ContinuedDropdownMenu ItemDescriptionView This dropdown menu item contains the Toolbar menu item that allows you to start the ConsoleRedirection toolbar.The following window is a screen capture of the Console Redirection toolbar.Macros This dropdown menu item contains the Record New Macro menu item that allows you torecord a set of keystrokes. A good example is when using the ARMC/2 in conjunction with aKVM. Normally, you must use a key sequence to switch systems. If you programmed a macro,you would be able to switch systems by selecting a preprogrammed macro.Help This dropdown menu item contains the About RConsoleOCX Control menu item that allowsyou to view the RConsoleOCX Control version number and copyright information.Cont’dChapter Four : Using Your ARMC/2 53