Chapter 3 Locating Your ARMC/2 CardOverviewThe Acer ARMC family of server and system remote management cards can be accessedfrom anywhere on your Intranet through an Internet browser. This is a great way tomaintain your critical server when you are nowhere near it.This chapter explains how to locate your ARMC/2 card on your local network.Locating Your ARMC/2 CardIn order to connect to the ARMC/2 card, you must access the ARMC/2 from anothersystem on the same network. This document refers to this other system as the clientsystem. To do this, you must know the ARMC/2 card’s IP address. If you have installedthe ARMC/2 on a network that uses DHCP, you can search the network for the ARMC/2card. To locate and find out its IP address, you must run ARMC2RMseek Locator.Note: To get or set the IP address on your ARMC/2 card in a Windows 2000 environment, youcan also run the ARMC2ConfigApp program on the host system. See Appendix B,ARMC2ConfigApp for more information on how to use the ARMC2ConfigApp program.Note: Make sure that you have already installed the ARMC/2 Windows Software Componentson the system that you want to use to locate the ARMC/2 card.Follow the steps in the table below to connect to the ARMC/2 from a remote clientsystem:Step Description1 Locate the ARMC2RMseek program on your remote client system. Run the ARMC2RMseekprogram by double left clicking on it.Path : Press “Start” -> Programs -> ARMC2 Remote Tools -> ARMC2RMseekCont’dChapter Three : Locating Your ARMC/2 Card 31