Step 8 Connect to the ARMC/2 from a Client System, ContinuedStep Description7 In this example, the ARMC/2 card’s IP address is Double left click on the IP addressto start managing the ARMC/2 card and write down its IP address. Left click on the Finish buttonafter ARMC2RMseek Locator discovers all ARMC/2 cards.When prompted for the user name and password, enter the following:Field DefaultUser Name rootPassword superuser8Left click the OK button. After you successfully log into your ARMC/2 card, you are greeted withthe Welcome to ARMC/2 screen.Note: The default user name and password are in lower-case characters.Note: When you log in using the root user name and password, you have full administrativepowers. It is advised that once you log in, you change the root password. See theAdministrator Setup subsection under the ARMC/2 Configurations section of this chapter.ARMC/2 User’s Guide26