Step 6 Install the Acer ARMC/2 Windows Software ComponentsAcer ARMC/2 Windows Software Components is a collection of ARMC/2 host-side andremote access components. These programs are briefly explained in the following table:Program DescriptionARMC2ConfigAppThe ARMC2ConfigApp program allows you to configure the ARMC/2 card from thehost system or from a client system.WinCuri The WinCuri program is a command prompt-based program that you can use toconfigure the ARMC/2 card. It allows you all the functionality of both the Internetbrowser-based Remote Access Companion for ARMC/2 and the ARMC2ConfigAppprogram.HostHeartbeat HostHeartbeat is installed as a service in Windows. It is used to tell whether theoperating system on the host system is operating or not. It can also detect whether theoperating system was shutdown normally or abruptly.Floppy ImageCreatorFloppy Image Creator allows you to create bootable floppy image files that you can use toboot the ARMC/2 card from.Remote RecoveryApplication(RRA)The Remote Recovery Application (RRA) is a recovery tool that can be executed from aremote client system located on the same network as the ARMC/2 card. You can use it torecover a failed flash attempt.Note: You must physically set the ARMC/2 card you want to recover into Recovery Mode.To do this, simply short pins two and three on jumper JP12 on your ARMC/2 card.Note: Your ARMC/2 card must be write enabled before you can flash an image to it.Confirm that pins one and two on jumper JP11 are shorted on your ARMC/2 card.Note: The firmware upgrade process is a crucial operation. Make sure that the chances of apower or connectivity loss are minimal when performing this operation.ARMC2RMseek In order to configure your ARMC/2 card completely, you must access the ARMC/2 fromanother system on the same network. To do this, you must know the ARMC/2 card’s IPaddress. If you have installed the ARMC/2 on a network that uses DHCP, you cansearch the network for the ARMC/2 card. To locate and find out its IP address, you canuse ARMC2RMseek.Cont’dChapter Two : Installing Your ARMC/2 Card 15