Step 2 Plug in the ARMC/2 Card into the Host System and Attach InternalCables, ContinuedJ9 ARMC/2 Feature ConnectorThis feature connector is primarily used for operating the host system’s motherboardpower and reset switch. It can also be used to gather I2C bus information from themotherboard.Pin Description Pin Description1 Not Connected 11 Reset_Host #2 I2C Clock 12 Ground3 Not Connected 13 Ground4 Not Connected 14 Not Connected5 Power_Off # 15 Not Connected6 I2C Data 16 Ground7 Not Connected 17 Not Connected8 Not Connected 18 Not Connected9 Not Connected 19 Not Connected10 Not Connected 20 GroundNote: JP13 and JP14 can be used in place of the ARMC/2 Universal Cable to gather I2C businformation from the motherboard.Note: JP4 and JP5 can be used in place of the ARMC/2 Universal Cable to power on, power off,and power cycle the motherboard.Note: JP7 and JP8 can be used in place of the ARMC/2 Universal Cable to reset themotherboard.Note: Only the OEM version can utilize the hardware health monitoring capabilities ofARMC/2 card. The hardware health monitoring function requires an OEM specific cableand Sensor Definition Kit (SDK/SDR) file and Soft Processor (SP) file.Note: IPMI support is an OEM version feature.Note: This cable is an optional component and must be custom made for your specificconfiguration.JP2 Serial Port ConnectorYou can connect an external 9 pin serial port connector to this header. This header isprimarily used to text redirect over the serial port.JP3 Service ConnectorThis jumper is used exclusively for servicing the ARMC/2 card. JP3 is not described inthis document.Cont’dChapter Two : Installing Your ARMC/2 Card 9