Appendix I GtkRConsoleARMC2 for LinuxInstallationIf you are using a Linux client system to connect to the ARMC/2 card, you can run thegtkRConsoleARMC2 utility to remotely control the ARMC/2 card and redirect the hostsystem’s keyboard, video, and mouse.Note: The gtkRConsoleARMC2 utility must be installed on the remote client system, not thehost system.Use the following command to run gtkRConsoleARMC2:rpm -Uvh gtkRConsole-ARMC2-2.6-1.i386You can also double left click the RPM file located on the ARMC/2 CD if you are usingX windows.The file is located in the following directory on the ARMC/2 CD:CDROM\RemoteTools\Linux\The name of the RPM is as follows:gtkRConsole-ARMC2-2.6-1.i386Run the gtkRConsoleARMC2 utility in terminal mode.gtkRConsole-armc2 ARMC/2 User’s Guide144