Step 1 Unpack the ARMC/2 Card (and check jumper settings), ContinuedJP12 Diagnostic and Recovery Mode JumperThis jumper is primarily used to recover a failed flash attempt. By shorting pins one andtwo, you can place your ARMC/2 card into Diagnostics Mode. By shorting pins two andthree, you can place your ARMC/2 card into Recovery Mode. See Appendix C, RemoteRecovery Application (RRA) for more information on how to recover your ARMC/2 card.By default, pins one, two and three are open.Pin Description1 GP I/O PA72 Ground3 GP I/O PA10JP13 and JP14 PCI Bus SMB Data and Clock JumperThese two headers allow your ARMC/2 card to read I2C bus information. If your hostssystem’s motherboard has support for I2C on the PCI slots, place a jumper on these twoheaders. By default these headers are open.Note: Only revision B1 and newer revisions of the ARMC/2 cards have these two jumpers.Revisions A and B do not have JP13 and JP14.Note: Most PCI slots have a “floating” I2C bus. A “floating” I2C bus means that there is nophysical connection between the two I2C pins on the PCI slot and the motherboard’s I2Cbus. Shorting JP13 and JP14 would be useless in this case.Note: JP13 and JP14 can be used in place of the ARMC/2 Universal Cable to gather I2C businformation from the motherboard.Note: Only the OEM version can utilize the hardware health monitoring capabilities ofARMC/2 card. The hardware health monitoring function requires an OEM specific cableand Sensor Definition Kit (SDK/SDR) file and Soft Processor (SP) file.Step 2 Plug in the ARMC/2 Card into the Host System and Attach InternalCablesPhysically plug in the ARMC/2 card into any available PCI slot inside the host system.J3 Service ConnectorThis jumper is used exclusively for servicing the ARMC/2 card. J3 is not described inthis document.J4 JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) ICE (In-Circuit Emulator) ConnectorThis header is used to debug and service the ARMC/2 card. J4 is not described in thisdocument.Cont’dChapter Two : Installing Your ARMC/2 Card 7