Hardware Setup, ContinuedBIOSAfter you have established a physical connection from your host system’s serial port toyou ARMC/2 card, you must enable Remote Access in your BIOS.Step Description1 From the host system’s terminal, enter the BIOS setup.2 Confirm that your Onboard Serial Port you are using is enabled.3 Enter the Remote Access Configurations menu.4 Set the Remote Access setting to [Serial].5 Set the Serial Port Number to [COM1] or [COM2] depending on the serial(COM) port you are using.6 Set the Serial Port Mode baud rate you desire. By default, it is set to [192008,n,1].7 If available, you can set the Post-Boot Support option. When enabled, theARMC/2 attempts to output the DOS screens or the initial windows textscreens. This is really handy when you want to see the OS Boot Menu.8 Save and Exit the BIOS.ARMC/2 User’s Guide138