ARMC/2 Card Remote Recovery Application (RRA), ContinuedStep DescriptionThe Card Settings screen appears.The Card Setting fields are explained in the table below:Field/ Button DescriptionSelect CardNumberdropdown boxThe ARMC/2 Remote Recovery Application (RRA) automatically assigns a cardnumber to the ARMC/2 card that it locates in Recovery Mode. This is helpfulwhen you are trying to flash more than one ARMC/2 card. Think of the SelectCard Number dropdown box as a shortcut to other ARMC/2 cards that are inRecovery Mode.MAC Address This field allows you to specify the ARMC/2 card’s MAC Address.Note: New settings are stored in the Windows registry automatically.Note: When you specify the ARMC/2 card, it is advisable to set the MACaddress back to the one indicated on the sticker physically located on theback of the ARMC/2 card’s PCB.IP Address This field allows you to specify your ARMC/2 card’s IP address. The IPaddress you assign is only valid during Recovery Mode.Netmask This field allows you to specify your ARMC/2 card’s network mask. Thenetwork mask you assign is only valid during Recovery Mode.Gateway This field allows you to specify your ARMC/2 card’s gateway or routeraddress. The gateway address you assign is only valid during Recovery Mode.Cancel Button The Cancel button allows you to cancel any new settings that are not saved.2OK Button The Ok button allows you to save any new settings that you have made andcontinue with the flashing function.Cont’dAppendix D : Troubleshooting 127