Step 1 Unpack the ARMC/2 Card (and check jumper settings)ARMC/2 Card LayoutARMC/2 MAC AddressYour ARMC/2 card has a unique MAC address. The MAC address is the only way todistinguish one ARMC/2 card from another when you run programs such as RemoteRecovery Application (RRA) and ARMC2RMseek Locator. You can write down yourARMC/2 card’s MAC address in the table below or in Appendix H, MAC Address Map.See the first line for an example.MAC Address Location Description00-40-D9-02-9B-3C Server Room, Rack 2, 5 Windows 2003 AdvancedServer, Mail ServerCont’dChapter Two : Installing Your ARMC/2 Card 5