WinCuri, ContinuedWinCuri.exe Help File, ContinuedScript mode Commands:-----------------------------Script file format is any of the other argument formats mentioned belowFor e.g : WinCuri -script myscr.scr-script ScriptFilemyscr.scr can contain the fllowing lines if you want to get all users andthen get network config-user -listall-net -getconfigUser Manger Commands------------------------------user -add username password-user -del username password-user -add username password auth pvt-user -listAllUser-user -listAll-user -getSnmpSystem Event Log (SEL) Commands------------------------------sel -listAll-sel -selInfo-sel -clear-sel -setPolicy -sel -getPolicyPlatform Event Filtering (PEF) commands------------------------------pef -ARInfoSet index name mailId SNMPDest PPPID NotifyMethod NotifyMediumPPPPass AlertTypeNotifyMethod can be "Mail" or "SNMP" andNotifyMedium can be "Lan" or "PPP"AlertType can be All,Disable or Critical-pef -ARInfoGet indexFirmware flasher commands------------------------------flash -read filename-flash -update [-boot] filename-flash -saveconfig-flash -saveSDK-flash -getconfig filename-flash -putconfig filename-flash -compareboot filenameNetwork configuration commands------------------------------Net -GetMac-Net -SetMac - -Net -GetConfig-Net -SetDHCP-Net -SetSTATIC IP Netmask GatewayCont’dAppendix D : Troubleshooting 121