WinCuriThe WinCuri program is a command prompt-based program that you can use to configurethe ARMC/2 card. It allows you all the functionality of both the Internet browser-basedRemote Access Companion for ARMC/2 and the ARMC2ConfigApp program.To run the WinCuri program, double left click the WinCuri.exe icon.WinCuri.exe Help File_______________________WinCuri version : wincuri.exe -[nw IP username] [cd] -----Example : wincuri.exe -nw username -sel -listall to connect onnetwork------- wincuri.exe -cd -sel -listall to connect via host interfaceLogging in-----------Host '-cd' based access does not require you to loginNetwork access '-nw' requires a login. Password cannot be specified on thecommand line.You will be prompted for the password.Scripting option will prompt for password only once at the beginningCont’dARMC/2 User’s Guide120