Appendix B ARMC2ConfigAppOverviewThe ARMC/2 card is normally configured through the Internet browser-based RemoteAccess Companion for ARMC/2. You can also configure your ARMC/2 card through theARMC2ConfigApp utility. The ARMC2ConfigApp utility is a GUI-based program thatruns in Microsoft Windows.ARMC2ConfigAppStep Description1 The ARMC2ConfigApp program allows you to configure the ARMC/2 card. You can run theARMC2ConfigApp program from the host system or from a client system. The client system is thesystem that will connect to the ARMC/2 card remotely through the network. This is basicallyWinCuri with a GUI.To run the ARMC2ConfigApp program, double left click the ARMC2ConfigApp.exe icon locatedin either of the following directories on your ARMC/2 CD:• CDROM\RemoteTools\Win32\• CDROM\ServerTools\Win32\2 The following window appears:If you are running the ARMC2ConfigApp program from the host system, select the first radialbutton labeled ‘I am on the server which has a ARMC2 plugged in’ and left click on the Ok button.Note: Make sure that the ARMC/2 card is connected to the host system’s motherboard through theUSB cable.Cont’dAppendix D : Troubleshooting 113