Installation, Administration and MaintenanceAastra Telecom Page: 39 (47)Subscribing Portable Parts to the SIP-DECT systemAfter adding a PP configuration to the OMM the PP must be subscribed. TheOMM must first be enabled to allow subscriptions to be take place from PPhandsets. This is done by pressing the “Subscribe” button on the PortableParts OMM webpage. The OMM will allow a subscription of configured butnot subscribed PPs during the next hour only. The administrator must pressthe Subscribe button again to permit more PP handsets to subscribe to theSIP-DECT system.After the PP configuration is complete on the OMM and the OMM is allowingnew subscriptions, each PP must subscribe to the system.On each PP handset, the administrator or user must subscribe to the SIP-DECT system through the System/Subscriptions menu. The specific PARKcode for the SIP-DECT system must be entered in order to subscribe to thesystem.IMPORTANT: the PARK code in numeric format can be found at the top-rightcorner of the Portable Parts OMM web page. Each SIP-DECT deploymentwill have a unique PARK code that was provided with the OMM Activation kit.If the administrator configured a global or individual Portable Part DECTauthentication code, the administrator/user must enter in the code before thePP will subscribe to the system.If administrators/users have any difficulties subscribing to the SIP-DECTsystem, it is recommended that they power-off the PP handset and reattemptsubscription again.This completes the subscription process for a PP on the SIP-DECT system.Editing Portable Parts in the SIP-DECT systemA popup window appears when configuring an existing PP by pressing thetool icon . The only difference between the popup window for adding andediting PP units is the delete subscription checkbox. If this option is selected,the PP will be unsubscribed.Deleting Portable Parts in the SIP-DECT systemDeleting of a PP can be done by pressing the trash can icon . A popupwindow appears and asks for confirmation.Searching for Portable Parts in the SIP-DECT systemIf the user wants to find a certain handset then the search function can beused. A click on the “Search” button provides the following pop-up window.