First time use8. Working with the professionaldouble whisk*. To assemble whiskwith handheld part, connect themand lock into place. To disassemblepress the release button and pull thewhisks off.7. Insert handheld part into thechopper lid and lock into position.Plug into power outlet, select thespeed and press power buttonto start. Release to stop. Removehandheld part by pressing the releasebutton.1. Before cleaning, always unplug theappliance. It is not recommendedto wash the mixing foot in thedishwasher. If washed in thedishwasher, dry the mixing foot in anupright position (with the blades up)so that anytrapped water can run out.2. Beaker and whisks detached fromthe plastic holder can be washed inthe dishwasher.3. Before cleaning, always unplug theappliance. Disassemble the handheldpart. Wipe with a damp cloth and drythoroughly. Never immerse in waterdue to risk of electric shock.Cleaning9. Storage – to fasten the wallmounting device, drill two holes intothe wall, insert two plastic tubes andsecure device with two screws.* depending on model19/24DGRNLFGBGB