1. lift the shelf with the sliding box upwardsand out of the holders in the door2. remove the retaining bracket out of theguide under the shelf3. Reverse the above operation to insert thesliding box at a different height.MAXIBOX drawerThe drawer is suitable for storing fruit and vege-tables.There is a separator inside the drawer that can beplaced in different positions to allow for the sub-division best suited to personal needs.There is a grille (if foreseen) on the bottom of thedrawer to separate the fruit and vegetables fromany humidity that may form on the bottom sur-face.All parts inside the drawer can be removed forcleaning purposesDYNAMICAIRThe refrigerator compartment is equipped with adevice that allows for rapid cooling of foods andmore uniform temperature in the compartment.This device activates by itself when needed, forexample for a quick temperature recovering afterdoor opening or when the ambient temperatureis high.Allows you to switch on the device manuallywhen needed (refer to "DYNAMICAIR Function").The DYNAMICAIR device stops when the door isopen and restarts immediately after the doorclosing.12 Daily use