GROUP ADMINISTRATOR SECTION CHAPTER 1: G ROUP SCREEN346 8 E 6 TECHNOLOGIES, R3000 E NTERPRISE FILTER USER G UIDE• “Google/Yahoo! Safe Search Enforcement” - With theGoogle/Yahoo! Safe Search Enforcement optionenabled, Google and Yahoo!’s “strict” SafeSearchFiltering option will be enforced if the user performs aGoogle or Yahoo! Web search or Image search.WARNING: If this option is used in conjunction with the X StrikesBlocking feature and the user is performing an inappropriateGoogle or Yahoo! Image search, the number of strikes that userwill receive is based upon the amount of time it will take for unac-ceptable Google or Yahoo! images returned by the query to loadon the page. The user will receive only one strike if all inappro-priate images load within the tolerance time range of a givenstrike.• “Search Engine Keyword Filter Control” - With theSearch Engine Keyword Filter Control option enabled,search engine keywords can be set up to be blocked.When the user enters a keyword in the search engine, ifthat keyword has been set up to be blocked, the searchwill not be performed. Search engine keywords areentered in the Search Engine Keywords window ofcustom library categories.NOTE: To set up search engine keywords in a Search EngineKeywords window, see Search Engine Keywords window inChapter 2.• “URL Keyword Filter Control” - With the URL KeywordFilter Control option enabled, URL keywords can be setup to be blocked. When the user enters a keyword in theaddress line of a browser window, if that keyword hasbeen set up to be blocked, the user will be denied accessto that site or service. URL keywords are entered in theURL Keywords window of custom library categories.With the “Extend URL Keyword Filter Control” optionenabled, a URL keyword search will be extended afterthe "?" character in a URL.